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Moving Forward, Aiming High!


The 99 Club aims to raise standards in Maths through encouraging children to improve their mental calculations when attempting quick-fire multiplication and division problems. The idea is that, with repeated practice, the scheme will result in increased speed and confidence when tackling mental maths problems.


Children are given 10 minutes to complete the maths problems, if they can answer all questions correctly, they move onto the next club. Success is celebrated through the award of a Head Teacher’s Certificate during Celebration assembly. Children can download practise sheets from the school website on the class pages.


This scheme consists of eleven Clubs for the children to work through:


11 Club - 11 questions (doubling numbers 1 to 10)

22 Club - 22 questions (repeated addition 1 to 10)

33 Club - 33 questions (2x, 3x, 5x, and 10x tables)

44 Club - 44 questions (1x, 4x, and 6x tables)

55 Club - 55 questions (7x, and 8x tables)

66 Club - 66 questions (9x, 11x, and 12x tables)

77 Club - 77 questions (inverse division facts)

88 Club - 88 questions (mixed multiplication and division facts)

99 Club - 99 questions (mixed multiplication and division facts)


Children who supersede the 99 Club can move onto the new prestigious Achievement and Ambassador Club. This will be a superb achievement so these children will receive special badges as an award.
