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Moving Forward, Aiming High!


It is really important that your child has excellent attendance throughout their school life. Full access to education is every child’s ‘right’.


The national average for a primary child is 96%. 


At NCJS we award children who have 100% attendance at the end of the Autumn term and Spring term with a special certificate given out in our Celebration Assembly. 


If a child has perfect, 100% attendance throughout the whole academic year they receive a special 100% attendance badge and a certificate. 


If school have a concern about your child's attendance we will contact you and are able to offer support or advice. If your child has less than 90% attendance this is known as PERSISTENT ABSENCE. This is very serious and can affect your child's academic success now and into the future. In most cases, school refers families to the Education Welfare Officer. Unfortunately, in some cases, parents could receive court action and a penalty fine. If your child has an attendance of less than 90% we will need medical evidence for any further absence or the absence will be unauthorised.


Please ensure family holidays are not taken within term time, otherwise school may issue a penalty notice.



Penalty Notice Flowchart

Children Missing from Education Flowchart
