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Moving Forward, Aiming High!

White Rose Hub Overviews

At N.C.J.S we use White Rose Hub. Daily lessons begin with 20 minutes arithmetic focus, which are driven by findings from regular question level analysis.


Following that, an ‘In Focus’ task exposes children to a concept, allowing teachers to carry out formative assessments and identify pupils that have activated prior knowledge from previous learning, or made links between previous concepts. Children record their working out and approaches. Whole class feedback based on the ‘In Focus’ task to justify and explain understanding, which is then summarised by teacher. Teacher input (explicit teaching with modelling). The children then apply their understanding independently. This is followed by greater-depth tasks (known as 'Challenges' by the children and staff). Challenges are often derived from WRH examples or the NCETM. Coverage is based using the White Rose Hub (WRH) guidance. 

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term
