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Moving Forward, Aiming High!

Year 3


Twitter: @Newhall Juniors

Welcome to Year 3!


Welcome to Year 3.  We are so glad to welcome all the children in to Year 3 and look forward to a successful year ahead.


The Year 3 team consists of Mrs Nicholls (3N), Mrs Tokarczyk (3R) and Mrs Fisher (3F) and we are supported in class by Mrs Marsh, Mrs Lloyd and Miss Guest.  We hope to be able to help and support both our children and their parents as best as we can this year.  Please get in touch if we can help you in any way.





Choir visited Sunnyside School this afternoon to perform in their assembly. They were absolutely brilliant - we have some stars in the making!

A Workshop with the Author Daniel Thompson

✨Summer 1 Superstars!✨

What are we up to in Summer 1?

We will be discovering lots about what plants need to grow in our science lessons and finding out about the importance of preserving listed buildings in History. In PSHE we will be learning about Relationships and in RE we will learning how the Sanatani Dharma (Hindus) make pilgrimmages to the River Ganges. 

We also have an exciting visit to Calke Abbey coming up and lots more fun activities.

Check out the pictures of our learning journey below.

A Local walk to find our local listed buildings

A Virtual Author Workshop

A Visit to Calke Abbey for History

✨Spring 2 Superstars!✨

What are we up to in Spring 2?

We will be discovering lots about light and shadows in our science lessons and finding out more about where we are in the world during Geography. In PSHE we will be learning about keeping ourselves fit and healthy and in RE we will learning more about the Easter story. 

We also have an exciting visit to The Wonderdome coming up and lots more fun activities.

Check out the pictures of our learning journey below.

✨Spring 1 Superstars!✨ 

What are we reading in class?

What are we getting up to in Spring?

Building on our learning about the Stone Age, we will be finding out how things moved on for prehistoric man during the Bronze and Iron Ages. We will be finding out how things move and how magnetism works in Science. We will be using our design skills to make a piece of wearable technology that will help us to be seen in the dark too. And lots more as well.
Take a look below to see all the things we’ve been up to.

Science - Magnets and Forces

We are exploring magnets and forces in Science. We investigated how balls and coins will move on different surfaces.

Investigating the strength of magnets

Design and Technology- Making E Charm Pouches

Road Safety Workshop - We were visited by Andy and he talked to us about how we can keep safe when we are out and about on the roads.

Design and Technology 
In D and T we are designing a pouch to hold a microbit. We have been using the laptops and a coding programme to code our design on to the microbit.

Autumn 2 Superstars ✨

We are looking forward to a very exciting half term, where we will be learning about the climate in geography and movement and feeding in science. We start the half term with a very exciting day out to look at a deciduous forest at Calke Abbey. Check out all our adventures below.

Calke Abbey Trip

Autumn 1 Superstars 🤩

This is where we will put pictures of the children who receive certificates for completing homework, reading and quizzing at home and in school and for being a positive person in the classroom. 



Autumn 1

             This term our learning journey topic is The Stone Age and our Science focus is Rocks and Soils. In RE we will be learning about how a Hindu would celebrate the festival of Divali.


PE(OAA and Gymnastics)


    Year 3 will have PE lessons every Monday and Friday afternoon.  Please ensure that the children come to school in their PE kit on these days and have either removed their earrings or be able to take them out themselves.


Homework and Weekly Tests


     Homework is to complete activities on Spelling Shed, Times Tables Rockstars and to read at home at least four times a week.  Spellings are given to children to glue into their reading diary each Monday and the spelling test is conducted on the following Monday.  Each of the websites are listed below. Spelling Shed (  Times Table Rockstars (   Login details for all of these apps and websites can be found in your child's reading diary.



Termly Newsletters

📕These are the books we are reading in our classes.📕

What are we going to be up to? 
Baking, learning about the Stone Age, finding out what makes a healthy diet and lots of other exciting things in Autumn 1! Take a look soon at our journey in the pictures below. 👇😃

Design and Technology

During Autumn 1 we have been learning about seasonal foods.  We made fruit kebabs to try some different fruits from around the world.  We have really enjoyed following recipes and tasting apple crumble and vegetable tarts, using seasonal foods.

Fruit Tasting in Design and Technology

Making Apple Crumble in Design and Technology

Making vegetable tarts DT


We have been learning all about rocks and soils during Autumn 1.  We have enjoyed being scientists and exploring, observing and testing different rocks and soils.  When we were learning how fossils are formed we even had a go at creating our own fossils!

Observing Soil in Science

How Fossils Are Formed

Describes how fossils are formed. From Learn about fossils, dinosaurs and more science at our dinosaur section here:

Space Week 

We had great fun this week learning about the moon.  We were able to test suitable materials for an astronauts nappy and test how far a rocket would fly using a stomp rocket.  We designed and made our own space rockets too.


We have been really enjoying learning about the Stone Age period.  We really enjoyed our day with the Widget Workshop and recreated our own versions of Stonehenge with biscuits!

Making Stonehenge with biscuits

Our Big Finish! Cave painting life in the Stone Age

Rosa Parks artwork

Art frottage technique

The Middle Stone Age | The Story of Britain | BBC Teach

Suitable for teaching 7 to 11s. This clip explores life in Mesolithic Britain through the eyes of a hunter-gatherer family. Part one of an 11-part historical animated series, The Story of Britain. Subscribe for more History clips from BBC Teach on Thursdays when we have them in: If you found this video helpful, give it a like.

Religious Education

In RE we have been learning all about the Hindu festival of Divali.  We have learned about the story of Rama and Sita which is the story of Divali and then we have created our own diva lamps.

Making Diva Lamps - RE


During Autumn 1, we have been writing our own versions of the story of "Little Red Riding Hood" based on the book "Little Red Reading Hood".  Then, we have been learning how to write instructions after making some delicious scones.  Finally, we have finished this half term by writing our own poems called "The Memory Box" based on the poem by Kit Wright "The Magic Box".

Making Scones for Instruction Writing

Little Red Reading Hood by Lucy Rowland | Storytime With Stacey

Little Red Reading Hood loves reading books and making up stories of her own. When she meets a cunning wolf while on her way to the library, he convinces her to stray from the path and read for a little while. But hasn't she read this in a story before?

The Magic Box - Kit Wright

A poem requested by Year 2 for Literacy. To purchase this book for yourself and read along, visit: This link is not sponsored and no money is returned to the channel.


We are learning all about the climate and biomes around the world.  We have been using the globes to research the Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, the Equator and the hemispheres.

Documents and Links to help you at home

Maths activities to try out at home!


Try these games out at home to practice your times tables. Remember, you need to know your 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of year 3 in preparation for the National times table test in year 4. 

Common Exception Words.


Below are the common exception words that the children are expected to read and spell. Practise these at home in any way you like.

Wider Curriculum

Documents you may need: