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Moving Forward, Aiming High!

Year 4

Meet the team


This year our year four teaching team is made up of Miss Swain, Mr Roper and Miss Vickers. We are always happy to hear from parents about their child's learning and we are always here to help. 




Alongside our teaching team, we will be supported by Mrs Thompson and Mrs Long




This year we will be moving away from setting weekly homework via Microsoft Teams. Instead, children
will be required to log on to Times Tables Rockstars (please see your child’s reading diary for their login details) and complete their assigned times tables, 4 times per week. Your child will need to access the Gig and Studio elements of the app/website to do this.
TT Rockstars:

Spelling Shed:

Choir performed at Sunnyside School this afternoon. We have some little stars in the making - they were amazing!

Autumn 2

This term in History, we will be investigating the question ‘How much did the Ancient Egyptians achieve?’ In Science, we will be studying ‘Human Nutrition’, whilst in RE we will be studying Christianity, focusing on the Christmas story. In Writing, we will be using The Write Stuff approach to write a story based in the book ‘The Yark’ by Bertrand Santini and a diary entry, in Reading we will be studying Alice in Wonderland and non-fiction about the Ancient Egyptians and the digestive system and in Maths, we will be learning about multiplication and division.

In History, we have been learning about how the Ancient Egyptians used the River Nile for farming, trade and transport. We had a go at building our own shaduf and boats.

Autumn Term 1

This term in Geography, we will be taking a road trip across the Americas in our topic ‘Can you come on a great American Road Trip?’ In Science, we will be 'Grouping Living Things’, whilst in RE we will be studying Judaism, focussing on the relationship between God and the Jews. In Writing, we will be using The Write Stuff approach to write a wishing tale and a balanced argument, in Reading we will be studying Krindlekrax and non-fiction about the Americas and in Maths, we will be learning about place value and addition and subtraction.


We have been looking at proportion and shading in our Art lessons. We had to look at a selection of different sized objects and draw them in proportion to each other. We started off by creating a charcoal background in our sketch books and used rubbers to show the lighter areas of the objects. We then added more charcoal lines to show the shaded parts of the objects.

In Art, we have created a wax resist. We firstly created a composition using industrial images, we then created our wax background, covered it in black paint and then carved out images using our composition as inspiration. The end results are great!
